Not everyone will answer the call.
To wake up, rise up, and speak up.
To bring hope where it is needed.
To imagine solutions and create hope.
To dare to be forerunners of transformation.
To move from being a victim to being victorious.
To leave the four walls and meet the world face to face.
To shift the legacy of her family for many generations to come.
Not every woman wants to pull on her boots and walk this out.
The StoryMakerSociety
is a group of women
who do.
The vision I have for the StoryMaker Society is for you to get revelation about who you who you truly are, what you're truly made for, and where you truly belong.
I've been passionate for years about equipping, supporting, promoting, and releasing women.​ My hope is that you will feel heard, seen, and known here as you find your true identity, purpose, and belonging alongside other incredible StoryMakers.
If you want to learn how to lead yourself well and make an impact on the lives around you, ​join the Women's Coaching Club. There, you'll find resources, get coached on our live calls, and make friends with like-hearted women.